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by Devin Sper




I     Jewish antiquity and rights in the Land of Israel


·         The land belonged to the Arabs in the first place and was stolen by the Jews:

·         Israelis are outside colonizers in the Land of Israel

·         The Palestinians have lived in the Land of Israel for centuries.

·         Israeli vs. Arab claims to Jerusalem.

·         The Jews do not respect Moslem holy sites

·         Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount was a provocation.

·         There never was a Temple on the Temple Mount

·         For the sake of peace we must share what is ours

·         Arab terror is a reaction to Israeli occupation

·         The settlements are Illegal

·         The settlers are an obstacle to peace



II    Israel’s case vs. Palestinian claims


·         Israel is responsible for the plight of the Palestinian refugees.

·         The PLO represents a genuine movement of national liberation.

·         Arafat is our partner in peace

·         Arab terror is a reaction to Israel occupation

·         The Palestinians are building a nation

·         Arafat is better positioned to protect Israelis from Palestinian terror than the IDF.

·         The Palestinian problem lies at the heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

·         The P.A. is a Democracy in the making.

·         The process is unstoppable and a Palestinian State inevitable



III   Israel’s case vs. Syrian claims


·         Land for weapons

·         Rewarding aggression:

·         The strategic problem:

·         The real problem:

·         The state of the Syrian army:

·         The state of the Syrian economy:

·         The legal problem

·         The moral problem

·         “Territorial compromise”

·         The nature of the Syrian Baath regime:

·         The problem of Syrian succession



IV   Myths of the Oslo Peace Process


·         A solution to the Arab Israeli conflict will bring peace to the Middle East.

·         Peace Now

·         The “Peace Process” must continue

·         Land for peace

·         Land for peace involves only those territories Israel occupied in the Six Day War and not the territory of pre-1967 Israel:

·         We must make peace with our enemies not our friends.

·         Peace is in the interests of the Arab people too.

·         Israel must take risks for peace.

·         We can always go back to the current situation and will have the support of the whole world

·         Israel’s leaders must know what they are doing.

·         Israeli morale is unshakable.

·         If Oslo is so obviously flawed why is it so universally accepted?

·         Oslo leads to peace

·         There is no alternative.


·         Suggestions for further reading





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